Sunday, May 31, 2009

Spice Tour

Today we took Remmy on a spice tour, which is another tourist attraction here on Zanzibar.

A lot of the spices were used in traditional and herbal medicine, which a lot of people, especially in the rural areas, turn to rather than going to the hospital. Also, a lot of them were used for their oils for massage, hair, and skin treatments (the elephant apple is not edible, but has gel inside the fruit, which they use for hair!).

We got to try a bunch of fruits and spices I had never heard of before and see how many tropical fruits grow

Some of the highlights include:
Eating jackfruit, which is a mixture between a pineapple and banana
Eating a quinine leaf, which is what they use in antimalarial pills
Saw a screw palm, which is native to Zanzibar and looks like a regular palm tree except the trunk corkscrews at the very top
Eating starfruit, one of my favorite fruits!

Word of the day:
Pia - also

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