Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Welcome back (Karibu tena)!

Welcome back!!  3 years later, I have the privilege of returning to a country from where I have fond memories, close friends, and a source of inspiration for my activities outside of work.

Since my first trip to Tanzania in 2009, I completed an honors thesis on Sino-Tanzanian relations, joined the board of directors for Sustain Foundation (which supports education and health initiatives in Arusha, Tanzania), continued to support S4Si (which supports women's education in Zanzibar, Tanzania), and shared my experiences with as many friends, family, and coworkers that were willing to listen (you know who you are) ;)

This time around, I will be a site coordinator for an organization from Duke University called DukeEngage.  DukeEngage has many different programs around the US and the world, including the Tanzania LTP (Literacy through Photography) program, which promotes critical thinking in schools through photography and writing.  Student participants from Duke will be conducting LTP workshops in schools around Arusha, Tanzania.  Check out an overview of LTP and the Tanzania-LTP program description.

I'm excited for the opportunity to return for a second time to not only continue to grow personally, but to experience Tanzania through my students' eyes.  I hope to contribute to their learning by allowing them to make their own discoveries about the culture, language, education, etc., and encouraging them to think about and reflect on their experiences so they can return as inspired as I was.

I plan to build on topics that I discussed on my blog in 2009 and share new experiences as well.  Feel free to post comments or questions along the way.  Talk to you in Arusha!