Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Extreme Home Makeover: Sakina

The Maturos have an amazing resource at their fingertips, one which scholarships around the world strive to have: a location that is exclusive for their scholars. The Maturos have an extra room that they aren't renting out, so I asked if we could turn it into a library and resource room for the scholars.

We had a scholar celebration for the scholars and their families and unveiled the resource room. For many of them it was their first day to eat ice cream. On Monday, 3 of the students came after school and studied in it - seeing them come to the room to study was the highlight of my stay here.

I have been bringing them each to the bookstore to pick out a couple books for the library. I want to instill the concept of "reading for fun" with this library. There aren't many novels in Swahili (most are in English) and no one has money to buy books to read for fun. I put up a map of the world, some pictures they drew, and bought some reference books as well. I also bought a bunch of school supplies and a little holder for them. We had a carpenter make a table and bookshelf because it was a lot cheaper than buying furniture.

Most of these young adults live in one room with their families, so they don't have a good place to study. They get distracted by chores around the house and people doing things around them. Most of the schools don't have a library, so it's really hard for them to study. I think that giving them a quiet and safe place to study may be the best thing that we can give them.

I am leaving on Friday and wish I had more time here. I will be going to Zanzibar until next Wednesday and am then coming home on the 20th.

vocab word of the day:
vitabu - book

Monday, August 3, 2009


Went to an exhibition, which is basically like the agricultural part of a fair. Met with the Community based Healthcare Council there, which was really interesting.

Went camping to Kikoleto Hot Springs.

Finishing up health assessment - have learned a LOT about health here and specific needs related to them. Had a focus group with an NGO which deals with solid waste management (more on this in the future).

General wrap up with writing reports.

Hope Sustain Foundation will be able to join ANGONET...look them up online!

Hosting a scholar celebration for families next week. I will really miss the scholars.

Sorry this is so short - pressed for time in my last week here!